Monday, February 4, 2013

Day Thirty Five

I started sewing my second pair of jeans today. It seemed like I spent ages on them but I got barely anything done, which is always so frustrating. The first pair went way faster than these ones, which seems odd to me.

I wanted to do the inner seam right (I didn't on the first pair- I did it the easy way and now it looks a bit weird, I'll post pics eventually) so I found this tutorial on how to do it... but I didn't realize until I had already started sewing it that you have to be able to open it otherwise you'll just sew the seam to the other side of your pant leg. If that makes sense. Since I had sewn the other side first, I can't make the inside seam the right way, and I had to rip out the stitches I did before realizing.

Point is, it was frustrating and took a long time and I didn't even really accomplish much. Grr. And for that reason I do not have a photo today.

I hate how half of the sentences I write start with I. It's true that this is basically a me centered blog, but it still really annoys me. Hopefully as I keep writing I will improve and get better at avoiding that.

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